Report Potential Contract Violations

We are hearing from our members that some department chairs and program directors have been canceling courses, increasing course caps, and reducing teaching loads—blaming the new contract as the reason for doing so. One went so far as to cancel freshman classes for low enrollment before incoming freshmen are even eligible to enroll, explicitly citing the higher cost of Lecturers’ salaries.

These are violations of the spirit of, and in some cases, the letter of our contract. We intend to raise these issues with management, make the public aware of these abuses, and use our grievance procedure as applicable.

Please fill out this brief form if you’re experiencing any of these things, so we can get a sense of how widespread these issues are. Please rest assured that the information you share is strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone from your department.

View our 2022-2026 Lecturer contract here.

Fill out the contract violation form here.